3D Scanning

3GA Marine Ltd. is leveraging the advanced computational developments of 3D laser scanning and photographic scanning to augment our traditional marine engineering services at the implementation engineering level.

3D scanning provides increased accuracy and crucial data visually to vessel owners, operators, and shipyards.  This allows construction teams to develop workflow plans virtually while reducing construction risks, costs and time that the vessel is out of service.

3GA can create as-fitted 3D representations of the actual space, build analysis, and interference models giving our designers/engineers the ability to accurately design modifications digitally.  3D technology provides 3GA Marine the opportunity to create implementation drawings of components that are highly accurate and give our clients the confidence that our designs are both efficient and cost effective.

Exterior hull scanning – with the use of 3D scanning, existing vessels can be converted into digital form, with confidence and accuracy.   Existing vessels without documentation can have class level drawings developed for any range of class submittal, in a fraction of the time using 3d technology.  Deliverables like vessel stability can become critical for aging vessels, the accuracy of a 3D scan will give owners and their crew the confidence that the vessel meets or exceeds the safety standards that current stability regulations require.


Hull model development

3D scanning can provide the designers the details of the hull shape down to +/-2mm accuracy

Lines Plan

3D scanning of the hull will provide the most accurate and up to date hull form for existing vessels, some of which may have had undocumented modifications during their existence

Vessel stability Development

Hull forms developed from 3D scanning provide us with the most accurate current state model to be used when analyzing vessel stability, where accuracy is critical.

Structural modifications

when using 3D scanning for structural modifications, structural parts can be lofted and cut without green material. This level of accuracy provided in a 3D scan will minimizes fit up, reduces schedule and costly time for vessels to be out of service.

As-Built drawing development

3D scanning can be used to develop as built drawings for vessels after refit work has been complete, and as a QA measure for vessel owners to ensure that refit work has been carried out as designed.

Interior Vessel Scanning– with the use of 3D scanning, existing vessels can be converted into digital form, with confidence and accuracy. Existing vessels without documentation can have class level drawings developed for any range of class submittal, in a fraction of the time using 3D technology. A vessels’ general arrangement, piping system drawings, machinery arrangements and more can all be developed to an as fitted level. Additionally, the 3D scan gives vessel owners and operators a digital version of their vessel in its current state, and allows designers to walk through the vessel virtually, with the ability to take measurements, without the need for costly vessel visits.

Interior Vessel Arrangements

3D scanning can be used to develop vessel arrangements for future vessel modifications, this allows owners to have ability to fly through their vessel digitally. This also allows designers to develop accurate refit workflow without costly ship visits.

Piping system upgrades/modifications

3D scanning is an incredibly valuable tool when working in engine rooms developing pipe routing. This accuracy gives shipyards and vessel owners the confidence to have pipe systems fabricated prior to a vessel coming in for refit, reducing fit up time/schedule and the time that a vessel is out of service.

Vessel repowering/Equipment removal

Having a 3D scan of a vessel’s engine room is time saving tool when developing critical removal routes and work flow to limit the impact of equipment removal. Being able to minimize the amount of refit work required to replace existing/failing equipment reduces refit time/schedule and the time that a vessel is out of service

Ballast Water System installations

Having a 3D scan of a vessels existing Ballast Water system gives a designer/shipyard/owner the ability to design a new system and have it fabricated and ready to install before the vessel is taken out of service. The level of accuracy provided in a 3D scan gives all involved the confidence to prefabricate the new system for install minimizing the amount of refit work required/reduces fit up time/schedule and the time that a vessel is out of service

Exhaust Gas Scrubber Installation

Having a 3D scan of a vessels existing exhaust system/casings gives a designer/shipyard/owner the ability to integrate the new scrubber system into the existing layout and have it fabricated and ready to install without the vessel being taken out of service. The level of accuracy provided in a 3D scan gives all involved the confidence to prefabricate the new system for install therefore minimizing fit up time on site.

Drone Scanning

vessel inspections are necessary for safety, damage and regulatory compliance but accessibility and safety is a concern, drone inspections are an excellent alternative. With our team of experienced, licensed pilots, we can provide you with drone inspections that improve safety of your worksite without sacrificing the attention to detail you need to keep your vessels properly maintained. Drone Scanning reduces time and cost for tank inspections, without the need of scaffolding or the risk of confined space entry.

Walkthrough Capabilities Utilizing VR/AR/MR

3GA has expertise and a wealth of knowledge in the fields of Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR) and Mixed Reality (MR). Utilizing industry leading hardware alongside innovative workflows, 3GA can offer owners and operators a valuable use for the evolving field of digital twins. Whether placing an owner inside a virtual walkthrough, displaying a new component to be retrofitted, or integrating operational instructions into visual representations, 3GA has been working to help the industry utilise these advanced technologies.

Walk-through capability (VR/AR/MR) – 3GA has expertise and a wealth of knowledge in the fields of Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR) and Mixed Reality (MR). Utilizing industry leading hardware alongside innovative workflows, 3GA can offer owners and operators a valuable use for the evolving field of digital twins. Whether placing an owner inside a virtual walkthrough, displaying a new component to be retrofitted, or integrating operational instructions into visual representations, 3GA has been working to help the industry utilise these advanced technologies.


At 3GA, our “Scan to Cad” workflow has become an everyday task. Whether embedded in our QC procedures, or for the purpose of communicating with owners and operators, 3GA staff are

very experienced in point cloud gathering and manipulation. Helping owners during refit by reducing the amount of time and expense required in dry docks, has proven to be a tremendous improvement in refit efficiency. When planning a refit, 3GA also has the capability to de-risk the engineering, production and installation by planning and reviewing the updates digitally. Owners/operators have the ability to visualize the upgrades prior to construction/procurement starts to ensure client satisfaction, and to effectively mitigate the majority of project risks.

Example 3D Scanning and Applications Video